Grade 7 Math Blogorama at Sargent Park

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sample Angle questions

In the four questiong below you must solve for the missing angles.
Remember to use complementary, supplementary and opposite angles to help you solve for the missing angles. As well recall that the total sum of a shape's angles is based upon the number of triangles that you can divide the shape into (a square is 2 triangles so 180 degrees x 2, a pentagon has 3 triangles etc.)

Question #1

Question #2

Question #3

Answers to the questions.
Question #1 A = 57, B = 33

Question #2 A = 90, B = 45

Question #3 A = 122, B = 118, C = 120 (We know that all six angles must equal 720 degrees, as we can split the hexagon into 4 triangles, and each triangle would have 180 degrees so 180 x 4 = 720 degrees)

Question #4, A = 120 (opposite angles) B = 90 (60 + 30 + 90 = 180)

Question #4

Sample questions with circles

For the following 4 questions you have to find these 4 pieces of information. You need to find the Diameter, Radius, Circumference and Area.


Circle #2

Circle #3

Circle #4

Answers to the questions
Question #1 D = 8cm, R = 4cm, C =25.12cm, A = 50.24cm2

Question #2 D = 13m, R=6.5m, C=40.82m, A = 132.665m2

Question #3 D = 19cm, R = 9.5cm, C = 59.66cm, A = 283.385cm2

Question #4 D = 10m, R = 5m, C = 31.4m, A= 78.5m2

Sample questions on area and perimeter of polygons

For the following four problems you need to calculate both the perimeter and the area. Remember that to find the Area of the shapes you will have to break apart the large shape into smaller shapes that you know how to solve.

Image #1


Image #3

Image #3

Question #1, P = 96cm, A = 336cm2
Question #2, P = 23.8m, A = 24.25m2
Question #3, P = 61.6mm (don't forget the 2mm on the right side of the shape) A = 149.5mm2
Question #4, P= 60.2cm, A = 190.5cm2

Monday, April 24, 2006


This link takes you through a lesson on finding the area of regular polygons (all of the sides are equal) and circles. Click Here

Here are is a simple matching game for the terms that we have learned in this unit.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday night math game

This is a simple spacial game. You need to assemble a square
using multiple different shapes.

Assemble the square

This game focuses upon Chinese Tangrams. You get to try to assemble multiple shapes using the 7 chinese tangram pieces


Sample Angle Questions

Anlges Quiz

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Answers to the questions.

Q1. B, Q2 D, Q3 D

Online Quizes

These quizes ask you ten questions based upon your topic of choice. After you answer the 10 questions it shows you your incorrect answers and allows you to reanswer the questions.

This link allows you to practive plotting and identifying points on the coordinate plane.
Coordinate Geometry

This link allows you to calculate the perimeter and area of circles, triangles and rectangles.
Area and Perimeter

This link allows you to calculate angles. From supplemental, opposite and parallel angles to the angles of a triangle.

This link allows you to learn about triangles.

Mr. R

Coordinate plane questions

Here are a few sample questions in regards to the coordinate plane. There will two types of coordinate plane questions on the test, you will either have to plot some points when you are given the coordinates, or you will have to follow directions in order to discover additional points. (Example start at (6,4). Move up 3, right 3. What is the new point?

Question 1. The vertical number line on the coordinate plane is called?
a) The X-Axis
b) The Y-Axis
c) Quadrant
d) Origin

Question 2. What is the coordinate for this graph?

Question 3 Which Graph is the point (-3,0)?

A. B.

C. D.

The answers to these three questions will be posted later

Q1, b, Q2 (5,3), Q3 c

Friday, April 21, 2006

Assignment Due Friday April 28

You must respond to this post as a comment. Completing this assignment on your own blog with not earn you credit.

In order to complete this assignment you must use the free web encyclopedia called Wikipedia This website has information on over 1 million topics.

Here you must find information on your choice of ONE of these five topics. You cannot simply cut and paste the text from wikipedia as your comment, instead you must explain in your own words what the subject is about. 4 to 6 sentences should be enough to explain the topic.

If a topic is in " " then you should paste the exact term into wikipedia as your search item

1. Who is Euclid and what are three of his axioms. Euclid gives five postulates (axioms) in his first book of elements, which discribes Geometric terms.

2. What is the The "Pythagorean theorem"?

3. "Congruence (geometry)" Congruence (geometry). What are the three ways that triangles can be proven to be congruent (equal to one another) using sides and angles.

4. What is a "Wiki" and what is "collaborative writing"?

5. What is the "fibonacci sequence" and what are five examples of where it can be found in nature.

Have fun using this amazing web based resource. Use it to find out information on anything that we are learning in math class.

Mr. R

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My Delicious

Remember to check out the links under Grade 7 on the right hand side of your blog. These links are great if you are having problems understanding the concepts of perimeter, area or triangles.

I will be adding additional links in regards to the coordinate plane, and angles. These are all topics that you will be required to know for the test on Wednesday.

Mr. R

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Unit Test, Wednesday April 26th

All four classes of grade 7 math will be writing the Geometry term test on Wednesday April 26th. The test will include the following

Classifying angles (Acute, Obtuse, Right etc. )
Determining angles in degrees
Determining the angles of a triangle
Calculating the perimeter and area of polygons
Calculating the circumference and area of circles
The coordinate plane

I will be posting self helpful aids during the next few days in regards to this test.

Mr. R

Monday, April 17, 2006

Week of April 17th to the 21st

This week will see us wrap up the unit on Geometry and prepare for our unit test next Tuesday or Wednesday.

On Monday and Tuesday we will finish up examining circles (diameter, radius, circumference and area) and review finding the perimeter and area of polygons (rectangles, triangles and parallelograms in particular.)

Wednesday to Friday will be spend learning the coordinate plane. This deals with the X and Y axis, with positive and negative numbers on these two axis's

Keep a watch on this blog for upcomming hints, reviews and links to help you prepare for the unit test next week.

Have a happy week everyone and remember to check out the links on your blog.

Mr. R

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday night Math Game

This game seems incredibly simple at first, yet it will get you hooked very quickly. You only have to move the small red box inside the small blue box. Trust me it sounds so simple, yet becomes deceptively tough. Enjoy the puzzle solving everyone!

Click here to play

Mr. R

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Assignment Due April 19th

This assignment deals with the solving of patterns. In order to answer this assignment you need to respond to this post with a comment.

For each pattern you need to tell me what is the pattern, and what the next three missing numbers are in the pattern.

Example: 1, 2, 4, 8,16, _, _, _ The pattern starts at 1, with each new number double the last number.

Pattern #1: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, _, _, _,

Pattern #2: 99, 89, 79, _, _, _

Pattern #3: 1, 4, 9, 16, _, _, _

Pattern#4: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, _, _, _

Happy puzzle hunting.

Bonus Mark. The fourth pattern is a very special and very unique pattern that is found commonly in nature. For one additional mark tell me the name of this pattern.

Mr. Reece

Pattern 1:Add 3 to each number to get the next number.
17, 20, and 23

Pattern 2:Subtract 10 to each preceding number to get the next.
69, 59, and 49

Pattern 3:Add 1 to each number and square it.
25, 36, and 49

Pattern 4:Add the first 2 numbers to get the next number.
34, 55, and 89
Bonus Mark, this is referred to as the Finonachi sequence

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Assignment Due Tuesday April 11th

You must reply to this post as a comment in order to receive marks for this assignment!

In this assignment you need to find either the perimeter of the polygon or the area. For the perimeter questions you need to give the total distance and unit of measurement. For the area questions you must show the formulas that you will use, what numbers you use along withproper numbers into the formula and give the final answer.

Part 1 Find the Perimeter of the 2 following objects.



Part 2: Find the area for the given polygons. (Hint you might have to think of the shape as two seperate polygons in order to solve the problems.)



Have fun solving this assignment, and happy blogging everyone!!!

Mr. R

Week of April 3rd to 7th

I hope that everyone had a great spring break and are looking forward to the final 3 months of school. Yup that is right we have less than 3 months to go until the end of grade 7 and summer holidays!

This week we will be diving in the concepts of perimeter and area. We learn how to determine the perimeter of all polygons, and the area for certain types of polygons including rectanges, squares, parallelograms and triangles. For the second part of the week we will spend some time playing with circles in order to determine their perimeter and area.

We will be using manipulatives including dot paper and geoboards in order to construct polygons and determine accurate measurements.

Have a great week everyone

Mr. R