Grade 7 Math Blogorama at Sargent Park

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday Night Math Game

Here is the Sunday night math game. While this game does not directly use math, it involves logic and puzzle solving. I will warn you that it is highly addictive, at least if you enjoy puzzles. You can choose to download the game to your computer or play online.

Happy gaming and blogging everyone.

Mr. R

Week of Feb 27th to March 3rd

On Monday and Tuesday we will be working on our Percent "Models" or "Dolls". Everyone remember to bring in supplies from home to use to construct your dolls. Possible suggestions include: Pipe cleaners, toothpicks, straws, popsickle sticks, string, yarn, cardboard, empty paper towle and toilet paper rolls etc.

On Wednesday and Thursday we will be gathering all of our work together to get our math portion of our portfolios ready to show our parents for student lead conferences .

Student lead conferences are Thursday night and Friday day.

Friday is an inservice so enjoy the time off, unless you are coming to school to show your parents all of the great work that you've been doing this past year.

Have a great weekend everyone and see you tomorrow!

Mr. Reece

A sunday afternoon brain teaser

See if you can solve this puzzle. Moving only three pennies can you flip this triangle upside down?

If you are having problems try using real pennies

Mr. R

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Language Translator

I've added a language translator to our blog site. This translator allows you to view the blog in any one of eight different languages.

To use the language translator simply click onto the flag corresponding to the language which you wish to covert the blog into.

Its that simple

Happy Blogging everyone!
Mr. R

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Assignment due Tuesday Feb 28th

Now that everyone has gained some experience using our class blog your new assignment is to go out and find a link to a blog that interests you. You then need to leave a comment of some sort on this blog (what the comment can be is up to you, but remember to keep it appropriate for school.)

What you need to post on YOUR CLASS BLOG

1) The name or title of the blog
2) The web address of the blog
3) The post that you left a comment to

Remember that the blog does not have to be school related, if you have an interest in basketball look for a blog on basketball, if you are interested in horses, look for a blog on horses etc.

How to search for a blog. On your dashboard screen (when you first log in) there is a box on the right hand side of the screen labelled Blogsearch. Just type in the topic of the blog that you are searching for and hit search. Blogger will give you a list of blogs that match your search criteria at which point you get to choose which blog to visit. This is very similar to searching on google or yahoo.

Happy searching everyone and enjoy exploring blogger.

Mr. R

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday night math game

Here is my weekly game that I wish to share with everyone. This game is a little bit different in that you must unfortunatly download a file to your computer and play the game from your computer, and not online. While this is a game it requires you to use your logic and puzzle solving skills to complete each level. Happy gaming everyone!

Click Here to go to the website to download the file.

Mr. R

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Assignment due Friday February 17th

There have been some students submitting great Brain teasers over the past few weeks and I have collected some of my favorites for everyone to solve.

Your assignment is to solve one of the these four brain teasers that have been submitted by your fellow students.

Remember you only have to try to solve on of the brain teasers to earn your blogger marks for the week

TEASER #1 (Submitted by Renegade, modified by Mr. Reece)

There are three cats on one side of the river and three dogs on the other side. The dogs and cats wish to switch sides of the river. You must therefore transport the dogs and cats using your boat to the opposite sides of the river. Now here are the problem that you must deal with

1 - You can never have more dogs than cats on one side of the river as the dogs will eat the cat.

2- You must always have at least one dog or cat with you everytime that you cross the river.

3 - You can never have more than two animals in the boat at the same time.

TEASER #2 (Submitted by Brandon)
Your objective is to buy exactly 100 farm animals with exactly 100 dollars. You must buy at least 1 of each animal. You may need some paper!

The Costs:
Cows: $10 each
Pigs: $ 3 each
Chickens: $0.50 each

TEASER #3 (posted by Jay)
There is a group of friends wanting to know who is the fastest runner out of all of them. Jane runs the lenghth of the football field in 1 minute. Jill runs the same lenghth but she is 30 seconds faster then Jane. The last two people who ran where Alison and Jen. They ran the same length at the same time but Jen ran 5 seconds faster then Alison. Alison ran the lenghth of the field in 55 seconds. Can you list the times from fastest to slowest?

TEASER #4 (Submitted by Ardia)
The fish market is selling different kinds of fish. But there aren't any prices listed. You ask about the prices, but all the seller will tell you is this:
• A pound of salmon and a pound of bass are $12.
• A pound of bass and a pound of swordfish are $10.
• A pound of salmon and a pound of swordfish are $8.
• A pound of swordfish and a pound of catfish are $5.
• Each price per pound is a whole-dollar amount.

What is the price of each fish?

To answer any of these 4 brain teasers please send a comment to this post stating which question you are answering and your answer. If you have already answered one of these brain teasers or you are the original author you must answer a different brain teaser.

Happy puzzle solving!

Mr. R


Monday, February 13, 2006

Week of Feb 13 to 17

Spirit week is upon us grade 7's which means that there will be very little time spent in classrooms this week, but that does not mean that our learning has to end as well.

Assignments that are due by this Friday at 9am so that they can be recorded onto our term 2 report card.

TLE - Check your own blog for more information on what is due.

Blog Assignment - You need to solve one of the 4 brain teasers that have been submitted by your fellow students. You must reply as a comment to the original brain teaser post in order to receive credit

Classroom assignment - You must post both the question and a solution for your assigned problem on the blog. You must post as well the final letters that outline the secret word. You must post this on your own classroom blog.

Quiz Corrections - If you wish to make corrections either of the sheets from the quiz you MUST MAKE THESE CORRECTIONS ON A SEPERATE PIECE OF LOOSELEAF PAPER or else you will not receive credit. These corrections are due by Friday morning.

So enjoy your time off from the classroom, participate in spirit week, keep learning and most importantly have FUN!
Mr. R

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday Night Math Game

Here is the Sunday night math game for everyone to enjoy. There are eight levels I believe and trust me while the first level or two might seem easy, it can get challenging rather quickly.

As for TLE we will chat on Monday as to what will be due for this term's report card.

Have a great night everyone

Mr. Reece

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Term 2 coming to an end

Hello everyone. I wanted to update you on a few important matters

1 - The mini test that you wrote today was out of 30 marks and will be included on your second term report cards. I will get the corrected mini test back to you on monday so that you can get your corrections made and hand them back to me on wednesday or thursday so that I can enter the new improved mark on your report card.

2 - TLE You have to have all of these TLE exercises finished before Friday February 17th. This includes both the worksheets and the self-checks on the computer.

Introduction to Decimals
Introduction to Integers
Adding Integers
Subtracting Integers
Exploring Decimals
Multiplying Decimals
Order of Operations

You will have two more time periods in either the junior high lab or Mr. Harbeck's room. If this is insufficient time you must come in on your own time in the morning, lunch hour or after school till 4:30pm.

Have a great evening and weekend everyone!

Mr. R

New Math Game

While I realize that it is not the weekend, I found this great puzzle online that I wanted to share with all of my students. Click HERE to go to the website and give this game a try.

Mr. R

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sample questions

Here are some sample questions similar in nature to what you will have to solve tomorrow on the test.

Order of operations:
Remember that you can use your calculator for this part of the test.

1. (8+4) x 4 - (70 ÷ 7) =

2. (40 + 2) ÷ (12- 5) x 32 =

3. 6 x (3 x 2 ) + 14 – 40 =

4. 7 x 5 – ( 14 – 3) =

5. 6 x 4 ÷ 8 + 60 ÷ 10 =

Word questons, get the exact answer

6. You are off to the mall to buy some clothes. You buy a shirt costing $12.95, some lunch at $4.65, a backpack costing $42.99 and a pack of gum for 89 cents. How much money have you spent in total?

7. You are painting the walls in your bedroom. Two of the walls are 2.5m long, while two of the walls are 4.3m long. All of the walls are 2.3m tall. If you know that the area of a wall is length x height, what is the total area in m that you are going to paint?

Word questions, estimate the answer only.(remember think happy numbers!)

8. You are throwing a surprise birthday party for your best friend. You've invited 20 people and plan for everyone to show. Now you are going to buy 8 bags of chips at $2.09, a package of party hats for $3.96 and a new dance CD to listen to for $12.49. How much money do you need to bring with you remembering that if you don't bring enough money you can't buy everything.

You will find the solutions to these blog questions below.

As well if you want some more practice on order of operations, try questions 9 to 22 on page 99 of your textbook.

Cheers my grade 7's

Mr. R

Answers to the sample questions

1. (8+4) x 4 - (70 ÷ 7) =
Step 1: Solve the brackets so 8 + 4 and 70 ÷ 7: (12) x 4 – (10) =
Step2: Do the multiplication 12 x 4: 42 – 10 =
Step 3 Subtract: = 32

2. (40 + 2) ÷ (12- 5) x 32 =
Step 1: Solve the brackets 40 + 2 and 12 -5: (42) ÷ (7) x 32
Step 2 Divide and multiply from left to right. 6 x 32 = 192

3. 6 x (3 x 2 ) + 14 – 40 =
Step 1 solve the brackets 3 x 2: 6 x (6) + 14 -40 =
Step 2 multiply: 6 x 6: 36 + 14 – 40
Step 3 add and subtract from left to right: 50 – 40 = 10

4. 7 x 5 – ( 14 – 3) =
Step 1 solve the brackets 14 – 3: 7 x 5 – (11) =
Step 2 multiply 7 x 5: 35 – 11 =
Step 3 subtract 35 – 11 = 24

5. 6 x 4 ÷ 8 + 60 ÷ 10 =
Step 1 multiply and divide 6 x 4 = 24: 24 ÷ 8 + 60 ÷ 10
Divide 24 ÷ 8 = 3 so 3 + 60 ÷ 10 =
Divide 60 ÷ 10 = 6 so 3+ 6 =
Step 2 Add. 3 + 6 = 9

Word questons, get the exact answer

You are off to the mall to buy some clothes. You buy a shirt costing $12.95, some lunch at $4.65, a backpack costing $42.99 and a pack of gum for 89 cents. How much money have you spent in total?

Answer: Add the totals 12.95 + 4.65 + 42.99 + 0.89 = $61.48

7. You are painting the walls in your bedroom. Two of the walls are 2.5m long, while two of the walls are 4.3m long. All of the walls are 2.3m tall. If you know that the area of a wall is length x height, what is the total area in m that you are going to paint?

Answer: two walls = 2.5 x 2.3 = 5.75m per wall so 11.5m in total.
Two walls equal 4.3 x 2.3 = 9.89m per wall so 19.78m in total. Add these together to get 31.28m in total for all four walls.

Word questions, estimate the answer only. (remember think happy numbers!)

You are throwing a surprise birthday party for your best friend. You've invited 20 people and plan for everyone to show. Now you are going to buy 8 bags of chips at $2.09, a package of party hats for $3.96 and a new dance CD to listen to for $12.49. How much money do you need to bring with you remembering that if you don't bring enough money you can't buy everything.

$2.09 is close to $2.10 x 8 = $16.80
$3.96 is close to $4.00
$12.49 is close to $12.50

Add them together to get $33.30 dollars

Need to bring a minimum of $33.30. If you estimated upto $35 and you showed the numbers that you used you would be correct!

Alternate answer
$2.09 is close to $2.25 (extremely happy number) x 8 = $18
$3.96 is close to $4.00
$12.49 is close to $13.00
Total is $35.00

Good luck tomorrow everyone!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Some examples of great scribe notes

In order to help get you started on the road to scribing I have included a few links to some scribe notes taken by other students in other math classes.

These three posts are from grade 9 mathematics
Super (Secret) Scribe
Scribe or What

The next three scribe posts are from Mr. H's math classes
Feb 3rd Scribe Post
Annalyn's Scribe

This should give you ideas over what you can do with a scribe post. Remember I don't expect the world, but don't feel as if you are limited either. Be creative, let your voice be heard and share your knowledge with your classmates.

Mr. R

The Scribe is beginning

Today is an exciting day for myself as a teacher, for you the students are truly becoming involved in each other's learnings; The sribe posts have begun in 7-72. Don't worry 7-42, 7-43, 7-44 your time will come soon enough, you too will have the opportunity to teach your fellow students.

So what is the reponsibilities of the scribe you ask? Well they are as follows:

1 - What happened in class today, i.e. what did we do. Did we just take notes, did we participate in an activity, was there group work etc.
2 - What did we learn during these activities, Mr. Reece's ramblings etc.
3 - What new information were we presented with (this is where you get to teach and share with one another, very important!)
4 - Is there anything that I did not understand that my classmates/Mr. Reece can help me with?
5 - Is there any homework
6 - Are there any links relating to today's class.

Remember your job is to reteach the class for those that were not there in body or mind. You need to summarize the notes, provide examples of questions done in class and pick a scribe for the next day. Being a scribe is meant to be fun.

The amount of effort put in is up to you, but the more you do, the more your classmates benefit.

Mr. R

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sunday night math game

Here is a link to play the game called mastermind. in this game of strategy you have to correctly place the coloured pegs into the correct hole. While it sounds simple it can be very challenging depending on how many colours you choose to play with. Two colours is the easiest, while 6 colours will keep your brain working overtime.


Mr R.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

February First Math Assignment

You must publish your response to this math question as a comment to this post. I will not accept answers that are left as posts on your blog or as comments to another post, it must be a comment to THIS POST ONLY


Mr Reece has $82.00. I'm off to the mall to do some shopping. First I buy a DVD and then some lunch, with my lunch costing half the price of the DVD. I now spends half of what I have left on a new pair of pants, leaving me with $29.75.

How much did the DVD cost?

How much did my lunch cost?

Remember to answer this question as a comment to this post!

Happy puzzle solving.

Mr. R